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Sunday, May 31, 2009

May Challenge

Hey ok ladies here is Wendy May challenge we have less then 24 Hour to complete this challenge.Great layout I really need to get on the ball.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wendy April Challenge

Hello Ladies: We are stepping back just a little for Wendy April challenge very nice love the ds paper such a great layout what a way to go.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lashanda May Challenge

Hello Ladies. Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day. Now that the holiday is over, it's time to get to work. Lashanda has provided our layout challenge for May. I know they're just four more day left in May. But I know it's not a problem for you ladies. Like Lashanda said in her e-mail, they're a few of us that are not doing the challenges at all, we all need to step it up and get those challenges done. I know you can do it. Till next time, Happy Scrappin.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sistas Challenges

Hey ladies, Here is a completed challenge that I did from a blog that is called The Sistas Challenges blog. I think you ladies need to check it out. They are coming up with some good challenge ideas. Till next time. Happy scrappin'.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Been A Little Busy

Hello ladies, I know it's been awhile sense, I posted something on my blog. I have been a little busy around the house, trying to paint a couple of walls. Here are a few picture of the finish project. Plus I have been doing a little blog hopping around on the cricut board. I found a wonderful thread, that was asking: "where are all the sista, but all is welcome". They're such wonderful ladies on that fourm, you ladies should check it out. Well till next time. Happy scrappin'!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Kesha' s completed projects from NSD

Here is kesha's completed project from NSD of Wendy's and LaShanda.

project completed for NSD

Hello, Ladies I'm posting Wendy's and LaShanda's completed layout. Thank you. Ladies these were very good projects.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2009 NSD Day

Today was National Scrapbook Day. Every year around the first weekend of May. A group of ladies and myself get together and come up with projects to do for National Scrapbook Day. For us, this is a day to get together and see what each other has been up too, over the year and what new ideas we have to share. This year the party was Hosted by Sandy at her daughter's house. Once we arrived we had breakfast and did a gift exchange. Here are some photos of the gifts, that we exchanges with each other.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kesha's project for NSD

Here is kesha's project ready to go for tomorrow's NSD day.

My Project for NSD

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Stylish Award
Stylish  Award
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