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Monday, March 29, 2010

Good Morning !!


Good Morning;

I hope you are having a wonderful Day.The weather was nice here in Pittsburg Ca, over the weekend, I had two of my grand kids for the weekend .So I did not do any crafting. But I do have something to show you.Well my DH went to the fabric store and brought some fabric and the color are wild.

When I seen it I said to myself what and the world made him pick that. The color are very nice for a layout or a card (hehe) coming soon. So He wanted me to make a couple of pillow and some window treatment. He said that he need a change and spring and summer is right around corner. So here is the fabric tell me what you think. So stay tune for the rest.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Thursday, March 25, 2010

When The Cow's Come Home!!


Good Evening;

Well I open up my curtain this evening and look what I saw in the back yard. I call for Kesha to get the flip and this is what she caught.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

"Happy Birthday Wish"


Just one Big Birthday Wish for you YOLIE for all the sharing you do I hope you have a wonderful day.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Have A Great Day!!


As Always-happy-Scrap-N

Easter Cards!!!


Good Morning:

Hope your day is going well for you. Well Spring is here Easter is right around the corner.So here are a few Easter card I made to get me started on the up coming holiday.I found these cute little digital stamped over at dustinpike.blogspot.com so If you get a chance go by and check it out.

As Always-happy Scrap-N

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For All The Diva's That Out There!!


Hey!! Last week I was over at dawns blog and she did this cute little drink card. So here is my take on her card. She use paper for her cup. I had these cute little cup on the bar so I just cut it in half pretty cool ha!

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Monday, March 22, 2010

My New Boyfriends (Enjoy)


Hello ladies this was too cute I had to share enjoy.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

I am seeing 5 gentlemen (give or take) every day!.
As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed.

Then I go to see John.

Then Charlie Horse comes along, & when he's here,he takes up a lot of my time & attention.

When he leaves,

Arthur Ritis shows up & stays the rest of the day.
He doesn't like to stay in one place very long so he takes me from joint to joint.

After such a busy day, I'm really tired & very glad to go to bed with Ben Gay.

What a life! Oh, yes, I'm also flirting with Al Zymer; or whatever his name is. I forget!

and I'm thinking of calling JACK DANIELS, Jim Beam, Jose Cuervo, or JOHNNY WALKER to come over and keep me company.

Now remember: Life is like a roll of toilet paper.....the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. So have fun, think 'good thoughts' only, learn to laugh at yourself, and 'count your blessings!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Morning Breakfast!


Good Morning;

How about a little breakfast this morning before we start our day come on and join me.After that let's walk it out with my three little diva ladies. They are ready to help us get in shape.I found these little diva at http://tellensplace.blogspot.com/ go and check them out.

As Always-happy-Scrap-N

Saturday, March 20, 2010

"Happy Spring"


Good morning everyone I hope you are enjoying your first day of spring.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patty Day!!


Hope you have a wonderful day scrap something green.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What For Dinner!!


Just stop by to see what for dinner.Tonight for us it was real light.We had Texas toast avocado,bacon, mushroom onion cheese Burger it was out of this world.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, as for us we just stay in.The grand-kids all came over. So we watch movie,play wii and shoot a few game of pool.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Friday, March 12, 2010

Last One!


Good Morning!

Well the last card have been made,and they are all in the mail this morning waiting to go.TGIF enjoy you weekend.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Get Whale Soon!


Good Evening Everyone;

Well I spent the day surfing the web looking for cut file and I ran across http://designingwithdiecuts.com and there was this cute little get whale soon card.Thanks so much for the file.

So here is my take on the card.I am trying to learn how to use sure-cut-a lots. So I still need to do a little more adjustment on this one to get the size straight. But over all I think it came out really cute.I will be sending it to my Mother-In-law she have a very bad cold.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ready To Celebrate!


Good Morning

Here is a digital stamp that I got over at http://tellensplace.blogspot.com/My little Miss Diva is all ready to celebrate.I used copic markers on her I am trying to teach myself to use them with the help of you-tube video.

As Always Happy-Scrap-N

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Draft Beer Anyone!!


Good Evening,

This is to cute, I found the svg Cut file for the beer mug over on the sure cuts A lot forums.I want to say thanks to Smelly/Kelley

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Morning Breakfast


Good morning,
Just pop over to share this morning southern style breakfast with you all.
Have a wonderful Sunday I will see you soon.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-n

Friday, March 5, 2010

What For Dinner!


Just pop by to share what I had for dinner. What did you have?Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This one for you!


Good Evening!

How cute are these short I found them over at yolie,(justyolie.blogspot.com)and did this layout today. Stop by and check out her blog it is really nice. Thank you Yolie for the cut-file.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

C Is For!!


Good Morning

Hey!! How cute is this card my grand kids is going to love this one.I found this card over at http://stampwithheather.typepad.com.This is my take on her card. The card was so very easy to put together.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Irish Guy!!


Good Afternoon

Just pop in to post this layout that I did today.

As Always-Happy-Scrap-N
Have a great day.

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