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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Hello ladies my Grand-daugthers wanted coach purses for Christmas. So I had to get two of them. Then my daughter want one too, so I had to get three.

A couple month ago, I was on cherie blog and seen these coach purses. I ask this wonderful person Jenc if she could make a cut-file for me. An she did. Thanks JenC. She has a very nice blog, I love going there to visit.
Of course the blue one is Kesha.They all did a good Job!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Motorcycle Layout

This is a layout that I did for my son he got a Motorcycle for Chrismas.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Layout

Hello ladies I hope the holiday is going good for you. This is a Christmas layout that I did all I need to do Is get picture now!!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hey I was looking at some of my stuff and found this kit that I brought at an Expo. Ready to BBQ now but the weather Is not good.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Here Are The Young Scraper!!!!!!!!!

Hey here we go again!!!
Hey here are some name book that my GD did today!!!

Scraper Of The Future !!!!!!!!

These are my Grand-daughters MarQuata And Mai'a
This is the doll that MarQuata color.
This Is the doll that Mai'a color.
What do you thing about the finish product.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Book & Pen

This is a book and pen set that I made for my granddaughter. She like to write,she told me she was going to write in it every night before she go to bed.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Take Out

Are you ready to eat I'am.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

LaShanda Challenge

This is the challenge that was completed by LaShanda.This was Arnaye's pick for the month of November.

Spiritual Encouragement

This was an email that was sent to me by LaShanda.

Called Spiritual Encouragement

You may have gone to bed last night weary

and wondering how, when and why?

But thank God you woke up this morning and

placed your feet on the floor. And when you did,

I'm sure the enemy said... "DARN, she (he) is up again!"

That's right. You are up again.

You may still be discouraged, but you are not defeated!

You are up again. Your head is up!

Your gratitude is up! Your faith is up!

You are standing up on your faith.

You are cheering up and looking up.

You are speaking up and thinking up.

You are hooking up with the right people.

You are growing up and maturing in your self-esteem, self-worth and self-control.

You are up and ready to make it through and up out

of your temporary circumstances.

To get better sleep, reduce the news watching and

distance yourself from the negative people.

Prayer is better than prozac.
There is no cost... just a lot of reward.
Make sure you pray, and pray believing God will answer.
May today be all you need it to be.
May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit
rest and abide in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight,
and conquer all your fears.
May God manifest Himself today in ways you have never experienced.
May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and
your prayers be answered. I pray that faith enters a new height
for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged.
I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy,
true and undying love for God.

Someone once said, "Aging puts wrinkles on the body.
Quitting puts wrinkles on the soul."

"I pray that God's great power will make you strong, and that you will have joy as you wait and do not give up." Colossians 1:11 (New Life Version)

Tag ---- you just caught God blessing you :)

Christmas Cards

Hey guys take at look at the cards that Wendy send they are so beautiful!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Digital Images

Hey, I was on Lauren's blog it is called My Time, My Creations, My Stampedence. She had this card that had a digital download image from a company called Squigglefly. I just had to go on there and check out some of the digital images. I like this one that was called Ice Cream. In which I created this card. So thanks to Lauren for opening my eyes to something new. Thanks to Squigglefly for creating wonderful digital images.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Cards for 2008

These are the Christmas Card that I will be sending out to the ladies in our group. We still have not came up with a group name. So ladies!! We need to work on this ladies. These cards was inspired by Dawns Stamping thoughts blog.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Cards Received in 2008

Here are two Christmas Cards that Kesha and I have received from LaShanda. OK, Ladies!! LaShanda is on the ball. I guess we need to get busy.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Deborah Challenge

Ok here is my challenge for Nov. I think we are still waiting on three more. Ladies let's get busy. This layout was so much fun thank Arnaye.

Kesha's Challenge

This is what kesha did for her Challenge. I'm not sure of the photos she will use on this layout

Wendy's Challenge

WENDY's Challenge
Originally uploaded by myapyapooh
Here is the challenge that was completed by Wendy. Go football!!!!!!!!! woo!!! woo!!!! WOO!!!

Arnaye's challenge

Arnaye's challenge
Originally uploaded by myapyapooh
Ok Ladies,

I know its been a while but here it is Challenge #5 by Arnaye. I not sure where she found this layout but it looks fun. I hope to be getting back to more projects and working on my blog. Thanks Ladies

Challenge for Oct

Challenge for Oct
Originally uploaded by lovemypaper
Hello everyone. Well I have been a little busy with personal things that have been happening in my life. So I have not had a chance to complete my challenge for Oct so here it is.

Grab Me!
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